Hello, I’m Abigail and this is my story.
I was born into a Christian home, in a small coastal town in the state of Oregon. My dad was pastor of a small church, so I was taught from the Word of God from the very beginning by both of my parents.
I was five years old when I asked Christ to be my Savior, I knew Jesus died on the cross for my sins, I had sinned and I wanted Jesus to be in my heart. When I was eight, our entire world was turned upside down.
The company my dad worked for was sold to a company in Wisconsin. When the new company offered jobs, my dad wasn’t sure if he should accept or not. It would mean uprooting everything I ever knew and moving to an unknown state, where we knew no one.
All our family was either in Oregon or my mom’s home state of Maine. But through God’s guidance, we moved and have lived in a small country town in Wisconsin for nearly 20 years.
For as long as I can remember, I loved writing; words just came almost naturally to me, but it never entered my mind to write a book. Instead, I started blogging. I blogged for two years, and while it was a good thing, I discovered how much I loved writing, blogging wasn’t what God wanted for me.
I began to pray for God’s will. I prayed that God would show me what He has for me. But God didn’t seem to be answering me, I prayed again and again, why wasn’t I getting an answer?
It was through a sermon by a guest pastor, that I realized I was praying wrong.
God has a higher calling and purpose for each one of our lives. God uses us to fulfill His purpose, and in so doing, we fulfill our purpose. God uses us and we are His instruments. We are part of His orchestra and He is the director.
I realized I needed to change my prayer. God, what is Your higher purpose for me? Where will You use me to fulfill my purpose in life? Slowly, the answer came. And part of the answer was to write a book.
I believe God has given me the gift of writing, there is no other explanation for how I can do what I do. He has given me this gift and He could take it away. So, I will use this gift for His glory and His purpose.
I published my first devotional in March of 2022. It was a challenge, and many things and people tried to hinder my progress, but I knew it was what God wanted me to do.
People will always have an opinion on what you should do, or where you should go. But we must seek God’s will and purpose. His voice and plan are the only one we need to heed.
On the rare occasion that I am not writing, what am I doing? I am very active in my church, teaching Sunday school, playing the piano, and serving wherever needed.
I am an aunt to seven nieces and nephews, so I am often taking care of them. My favorite pastimes are reading, spending time outside, journaling, photography, music, and graphic design.